
El Último De Arganeo

Spain | 2022 | Documentary | 29’ | Polish premiere

  • Director: David Vázquez
  • Script: David Vázquez, Lorena Gallardo
  • Cinematography: Humbero Novoa, David Vázquez  
  • Editing: David Vázquez
  • Sound: Humberto Novoa
  • Producer: David Vázquez
  • Production: Pinancho Audiovisuais


After leading a student life in Ponferrada (Spain), the 24-year-old Edilberto Rodríguez decides to return to the mountains and dedicate himself to herding a herd of goats. With the memory of his grandparents very present, "the last of Arganeo" tells the story of Edilberto, a young shepherd proud of the heritage of his ancestors, and who vindicates the traditions of some uninhabited places and the memories of a way of life to the brink of extinction.


  • Main festivals:
  • Aguilar Film Festival
  • Play-Doc International Documentary Festival
  • MICE Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico (Best Galician Film)
  • Espiello Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de Sobrarbe (Pyrenees Award)
  • Cinemistica Film Festival (The Magnifier and The Magnet in Antropológica competition - ex aequo)