

Iceland | 2023 | Fiction | 5’ | Polish premiere

  • Director: Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter 
  • Script: Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter
  • Cinematography: Eli Arenson 
  • Editing: Brúsi Ólason, Guðlaugur Andri Eyþórsson
  • Sound: Björn Viktorsson, Haraldur Þrastarson
  • Cast: Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter, Jörundur Ragnarsson, Þrúður Vilhjálmsdóttir
  • Producer: Rúnar Ingi Einarsson, Sara Nassim
  • Production: Norður



At a downtown café, three business colleagues are discussing a future investment opportunity when a seagull hits the cafe’s window right in front of them. Anna, one of the colleagues, tries to ignore the event but is unable to shake off the incidents.  


  • Main festivals:
  • Cannes Film Festival (Special Mention)