online screening

Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival

directed by Fabrizio Terranova, Belgium 2016, 81

Screened everywhere from Tate to Princeton, Fabrizio Terranovas documentary on the celebrated author Donna Haraway, much like her work, escapes easy classification. As much a study of her academic thought as a tender biopic and a charming conversation between friends, the feature-length film provides food for thought to those uninitiated into posthumanism as much as it does to avid followers of the Chthulucene.

The film itself is an exercise in the kind of alternative storytelling Haraway proposes in her work. Terranova and Haraway invite the viewers to suspend their expectations of linear narratives and subtly nudge us toward the tentacular, ebb-and-flow storytelling, where the accidental and the unplanned, as well as the digressive, are of equal value and importance as more traditional narrative structures.

Screening will be held on MOJEeKINO.PL.