film review
Every film is a ghost story
A film review dedicated to the question of the material and the (post)analogue in the world of digital cinema. In recent years, the analogue has become more of an aesthetic than a filming technique, and it has found specific applications in the work of filmmakers and visual artists. Film stock, the aesthetic of large grain, and the materiality of film have become a way to talk about the past, its spectra and phantoms. Therefore, ghost do not need to be the topic of a film – they are in the medium.
In the review, a selection of the newest art films that use the analogue technique in different ways will be presented. It will also be an opportunity to look at found footage films and modern ways of working with film archives.
- The review programme will include among others: Mark Jenkin, Julien Faraut, Joanna Hogg, Barbara Hammer, Tadeusz Konwicki, as well as workshops on making and developing 8 mm film.
Today at U–jazdowski