Spirited Away
Awarded the Academy Award for Best Animated feature and the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, Spirited Away is a masterpiece of world cinema created by one of most revered animators, Hayao Miyazaki. The film quickly gained cult status, popularising anime around the world.
Spirited Away will take you on a journey beyond the limits of your imagination. While moving to a new home, ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents accidentally end up in a mysterious abandoned town. To her horror, the girl discovers that this is a land inhabited by deities and spirits, and that her parents have been punished for eating food meant for the gods. To save them, Chihiro will have to start working for the powerful witch Jubaba. Will the girl manage to lift the curse and return to the world of humans?
A triumph of Miyazaki's imagination, Spirited Away is a poignant and wise story about facing one’s fears and insecurities. In a world full of ghosts and gods, Chihiro finds her place, discovering that what matters most is to be yourself and believe in your own abilities.
We offer two special screenings at the U–jazdowski Cinema:
11 May (Saturday) 20:00 in Japanese with Polish subtitles
12 May (Sunday) 17:45 with Polish dubbing
Film for viewers aged 12 and over.