
On Censorship in the Arts in the UK

Censorship in the arts in Great Britain tends to be done covertly. It is a largely a matter of worthwhile projects not getting funded, rather than existing programmes being defunded. In most cases, worthwhile projects and organisations have already been heavily subverted for years - with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture, the Arts Council and the Museums Association. As the canon is decimated and money diverted into diversity, inclusion and equity, important art goes neglected. We have now reached a stage where artists are abandoning public arts bodies and are going independent. I will explain the situation and possible solutions to the crisis in the arts.

  • Guest: Alexander Adams
  • Alexander Adams is a British artist and writer. He studied fine art and history of art at Goldsmiths College, London. His criticism has been published in The Burlington Magazine, The Art Newspaper, Sculpture Journal, The Jackdaw, The British Art Journal, Apollo. He is an author of “Culture War. Art, Identity Politics and Cultural Entryism”, published in 2019 and “Iconoclasm. Identity Politics and the Erasure of History”. His poetry has been published in anthologies, broadsides and single-author volumes in the UK and USA. His art has been exhibited worldwide and is in the collection of the V&A Museum (Londyn), National Museum (Cardiff), Walker Art Gallery (Liverpool) and other museums.
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