
Swiss Censorship in the Arts

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on censorship in the arts in Switzerland. Speaking guest will be Gabriele Sartoris. Despite being a country with a strong tradition of free expression, Switzerland has seen its share of controversies over art. From cancelled theatre productions to closed photography exhibitions, censorship in the arts has become a hot-button issue in Switzerland. During this talk, we will explore the history of censorship in the arts in Switzerland, its impact on artistic expression, and how artists and institutions can navigate the complex terrain of artistic censorship in Switzerland. This talk is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the intersection of art, politics, and free expression.

Gabriele Sartoris is a curator and writer originally from Switzerland.  While living in London, he was involved in Free Speech activism. Currently he is the president of the Zurich Salon, a public forum that regularly hosts talks and panels on pressing contemporary issues. His writings can be found in Bournbrook Magazine, The New Taboo, Athwart and Obieg. 

  • Free entrance
  • For registration, please contact us by e-mail: dyskusje@u-jazdowski.pl
  • The number of places are limited

Photo: Door of Freedom Book Shop in London, United Kingdom