
Predatory Moralism - wokeness and cancel culture in Scandinavian countries

In liberal countries, political censorship is hidden behind a veil of moralism. Climate change, Western “guilt” and the war in Ukraine can provide a political opportunist with a variety of emotional tools to clamp down on the art scene. One special trait is the ‘predatory moralism’; a double movement of first inventing an enemy, and then crushing him. In this process people are used as requisites, and artists can turn out to be more useful in this respect than others. As they on the one hand has the attention of the media, and on the other hand is poorly organized and have few or no allies that will come to the rescue. With examples from contemporary Scandinavian politics Jon Eirik Lundberg present a critical view on so-called “wokeness” and “cancel culture” in countries proud of their liberal traditions.”

  • Guest : Jon Eirik Lundberg
  • Jon Eirik Lundberg (b. in Oslo, 1974), Dano-Norwegian curator and writer, founder of Laesoe Art Hall, Denmark. Lundberg holds an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Copenhagen and is regularly engaged in public debate on issues related to freedom of speech, censorship, political freedom and authoritarianism
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