
Art that saves lives

ArtArmor project at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art

The exhibition of the art project ArtArmor is moving from Lviv to Warsaw. The art objects of the exhibition will be on view at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre of Contemporary Art.

ArtArmor is a unique project in which art saves lives not figuratively, but literally. Armor plates get a second life in the form of art objects, the implementation of which will allow volunteers to spend the collected funds on the needs of the army. Art objects have already been demonstrated in Kyiv and Lviv. Thanks to the logistics partner, Nova Post, the exhibition will be presented outside of Ukraine.

As of today, 12 unique art objects have been created. Among them is the icon "Archstrateg Michael", which was created with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphanius of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Abbot of the unified local Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and the assistance of Archbishop Hilarion of Rivne and Ostroh. One of the art objects is an armored plate, on which the signatures of the country's top political and military leadership are collected, in particular, among which is the signature of the President of Ukraine, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Regarding the first trip of the exhibition abroad, the initiator and head of the project, philanthropist Oleksandr KOVALCHUK noted: "We are extremely pleased about this event because we invested maximum energy to popularize the topic of protecting our soldiers, to involve even more artists from around the world, whom we invite to take part in our project."

The Ukrainian logistics company Nova Post became the key partner of the project. The company at its own expense provides transportation and presentation of the team abroad.



Oleksii Sai, Nazar Biłyk, Iwan Marczuk, Oleksandr Kowalczuk, Anton Logow, Iurii Vakulenko, Leonid Kołodnytski, Switlana Ratosznik, Petro Bevza, Andrij Bludow, Tyberij Szilwaszi, Metropolita Kijowa i całej Ukrainy Objawienie Święte, Arcybiskup Równe i Ostroh Hilarion ikonograf Andrij Okhocki


Project partners

Charitable organization UKRAINE FOR HEROES, GB Event by Kvartal 95, National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, creative agency McCann (Kyiv)


The logistics partner of the project

Nova Post company, which at its own expense ensured the delivery of exhibits throughout Ukraine and Europe

The project is supported by

Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Security Office of Ukraine, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine, State Border Service of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

  • Exhibition opening
    • 24/01/2023 (Tuesday) 14:00
  • Exhibition on view through 18/02/2023
    • Admission to the exhibition is free.