
Michał Frydrych

Villa Straylight

Michał Frydrych
  • He graduated from Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He also studied at the Universität der Künste in Berlin and at the philosophy department of the University of Warsaw. His work consists in painting and creating narrative spaces on its basis. He uses language as a material that enables the appearance and disappearance of things, relations and stories. He refers to painting as a phenomenon that creates visual entities, generating sequences of meaning in speech. He creates linguistic objects, things made directly of text. “Such object is materially free of commitments; what counts is the story it generates – says the artist. – Rather than presenting the picture to the viewing, I pour it directly into imagination, assuming that the visual painted by words is hard to beat.” He is interested in reality as a language, beauty in the eye of the beholder, the perfection of prosaicness, shadow casting, the psychedelic, syntax. He lives and works in Warsaw
  • Selected solo exhibitions and projects:
    • Soft Transition from Storytelling to Casting a Shadow (Zacheta Project Room, Warsaw, 2013/2014),
    • Back to the Future (Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, 2013),
    • I'll swap the Image For a Thousand Words (Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, 2013),
    • Sculpture in a Park (Warsaw Ursynów, 2012),
    • Ivy (Witryna, Warsaw, 2011),
    • Farbenlehre (Podlaska Gallery, Biała Podlaska, 2009/2010).
  • Selected group exhibitions:
    • Midnight Show II (BWA Dizajn, Wrocław, 2014),
    • Crimestory (CCA Znaki Czasu, Toruń, 2014),
    • Ceremonial (CK Krasnoye Znamya, St. Petersburg, 2012),
    • Why don't all of us love adventures? A story about Janek Dziaczkowski (Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, 2012),
    • Sick Art (Jerozolima, Warsaw, 2012),
    • Trophy (BWAZG, Zielona Góra, 2008),
    • MachtRaum (Studio Bühne FU, Berlin, 2008).
  • He received a scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for 2014.
  • Portfolio www.michalfrydrych.com
Media partners
Michał Frydrych