

Navigating the Unknown

  • 0102/12/2017
  • Can dizziness be a resource? What remains after unsettledness and disorientation? And how can we see communities find their balance in uncertain si­tuations? Particularly now, in times of ubiquitous invocations of global crisis, these questions of col­lective balancing and balancing collectives are more relevant than ever.
  • The symposium Balancing Togetherness is a fur­ther step on a long term artistic and curatorial re­search into the potentiality of dizziness as a pro­ductive part of creative process. It addresses issues of togetherness within the larger theme of dizziness as an artistic resource, and thus con­textualizes the exhibition Dizziness. Navigating the Unknown, which brings together national and international artists viewpoints on the experien­ce and reflection of dizziness.


Honorary Patronage
"Dizziness. Navigating the Unknown" coorganizer
Institution is funded by
Media partners
Tuesday 11:00—19:00
Wednesday 11:00—19:00
Thursday 11:00—20:00
Friday 11:00—19:00
Saturday 11:00—19:00
Sunday 11:00—19:00