open call for artists

Open call for artists

to participate in the 2023/2024 {Project Room} exhibition series

Regulations of Project Room 2022/2023 Competition


  • § 1 Organiser:
    • 1. The Organiser of the Project Room 2023/2024 Competition (hereinafter: the Competition) is the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art with its seat at Jazdów 2 in Warsaw, VAT number 526-025-12-85, entered into the Register of Cultural Institutions of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland under the number 15/92, hereinafter referred to as the Organiser.
  • § 2 Aim of the competition
    • 1. The aim of the competition is to present the most interesting artistic work that has emerged in recent years and to outline a broader perspective of young Polish art through the implementation and presentation of six premiere exhibitions of young artists/artistic groups and selecting from among them, by a four person Jury  the winner of the Main Prize, and by the votes of the audience the Audience Award winner.

    • 2. Before 15 August 2023, the Organizer will appoint a four-person jury (hereinafter referred to as the Jury), whose task is to select works for the second stage of the Competition and to select the Winner of the Main Prize. 

  • § 3 Terms and conditions for participation
    • 1. The competition is open to students and graduates of art academies and universities under the age of forty. Applications by groups of people (collectives) are allowed, but each person must meet the conditions indicated in the preceding sentence.

    • 2. Taking part in the competition is equal to accepting theses regulations.

    • 3. To participate in the competition, please send your artistic CV, portfolio, and exhibition design to the following e-mail address: projectroom@u-jazdowski.pl, as a PDF file, max 1500 characters / max 50 MB. The design of the original exhibition should take into account the space provided by the Organiser, the plan of which is attached to these Regulations.

    • 4. Applications for the Competition should be sent by 1 September 2023.

    • 5. The Organiser announces the composition of the Jury once, to suit the needs of a given Competition.

    • 6. By 15 September 2023, the Jury will select 6 (six) exhibition projects from the submitted applications. The Organiser, starting from October 2023 at minimum monthly intervals, will implement these projects.

    • 7. The person or group that has been selected for the second stage the Competition (Stage 2) and has expressed a willingness to participate, is obliged to submit a declaration constituting Annex 1 to these Regulations and will be referred to as the Participant in the further part of the Regulations.

  • § 4 (Rules for the realization of competition exhibitions)

    • 1. As part of Stage 2 of the competition, each Participant will present out 1 (one) premiere exhibition based on appropriate conditions provided by the Organiser.

    • 2. The Organiser will present to each of the Participants the production and promotional conditions for the organisation of the exhibition, which Participants accept without reservations by participating in the Competition.

    • 3. The Organiser provides each Participant with the same organisational and promotional conditions for each of the 6 exhibitions (ie production budget, promotional budget, exhibition duration, fees for artists and curators, production and technical support, number of study visits).

    • 4. Each Participant, within 30 days before the opening of their exhibition, will present to the Organiser their final exhibition design, created on the basis of their entry to the Competition.

    • 5. The Organiser reserves the right to evaluate the technical aspects of the exhibition design of each Participant, and if it deems that a given project exceeds the organizational capacity of the Organiser, it will inform the Participant about it and may eliminate the Participant from further participation in the Competition should the Participant fail to adapt the project to the Organiser's capabilities.

    • 6. Each exhibition design must meet the requirements of fire protection and occupational health and safety regulations, under pain of eliminating the Participant from further participation in the Competition.

    • 7. It is forbidden for the Participants to post any content that violates applicable law or violates any rights of third parties. It is also forbidden to post content that promotes violence or discriminates.

    • 8. The exhibition schedule will be announced by 30 September 2023. Changes to the schedule depend on the Organizer's consent.

    • 9. The participant is solely responsible for the infringement of proprietary copyrights or other rights of third parties in connection with the exhibition. If the Organiser suffers any damage in connection with the Participants infringement, in particular if a person whose rights have been violated holds the Organiser liable, the Participant is obliged to cover in full the damage experienced by the Organiser.

  • § 5 (Method of selecting the Winners and the Awards)

    • 1. The basis for evaluation by the Jury will be individual exhibitions prepared by the Participants.

    • 2. The evaluation of the Jury will be based on in person visits to the exhibition and on the basis of carefully prepared photographic documentation of each exhibition prepared by the Organizer and sent to the members of the Jury within 14 days from the end of the last exhibition.

    • 3. Within 5 weeks from the end of the last exhibition, the Organizer will convene a Jury meeting, during which the Winner of the Main Prize and the Winner of the Audience Award will be selected.

    • 4. Voting of the Jury is secret  and the detailed agenda of the Jury's session is defined in the regulations of the session prepared by the Organiser.

    • 5. The Jurys decisions are irrevocable, final, and cannot be appealed.

    • 6. Following the end of the last exhibition, the photo documentation of each exhibition will be made available on the Organiser's website, without creating an additional one, in order to enable the public to vote electronically for a given exhibition. The Organiser will make the online vote terms and conditions available before voting begins. The person / group whose exhibition receives the most votes will be the Audience Award Winner.

    • 7. The results of the competition will be announced during the Gala organised by the Organiser and published on the website www.u-jazdowski.pl.

    • 8. The Winner of the Main Prize will receive a cash prize of PLN 20,000 net, and the Audience Award Winner will receive a cash prize of PLN 20,000 net.

  • § 6 Personal data

    • 1. The Organiser processes the personal data of Competition participants only on an ad hoc basis, in order to perform activities necessary for its proper conduct, in particular to inform about the win and issue the prize. The Organiser stores these data only for the period required by applicable law, and after that period they will be deleted, unless the Organiser has the right to process the data of the Competition participant on a different basis. Competition participants have the right to access the processed data and correct it. Participants provide their data on a voluntary basis, and providing the data is a condition for participating  in the Competition.

    • 2. The administrator of the personal data of the Participants and Winners is the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art with its seat at Jazdów 2 in Warsaw, VAT number PL 5260251285, entered into the Register of Cultural Institutions of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland under the number 15/92.

    • 3. The data will be processed by the Organiser only for purposes related to the organization and conduct of the Competition, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) and the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws from 2018, item 1000 as later amended).

    • 4. Providing data is voluntary, however, the refusal to provide it is tantamount to the inability to participate in the Competition. The data subject has the right to access and amend their data, delete, limit processing, transfer data, raise objections and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body the Office for Personal Data Protection.

    • 5. The Administrator has appointed a Data Controller who can be contacted by email: iod@u-jazdowski.pl.

    • 6. Personal data will only be transferred to entities authorised to receive them on the basis of legal provisions or on the basis of a contract for entrusting the processing of personal data based on expressed consents.

    • 7. The data of Competition Participants may be made available to the competent authorities in cases specified by generally applicable law.

  • § 7 Final provisions

    • 1. These Regulations constitute the sole basis for regulating the Competition, and areonly document defining the rules of the Competition.

    • 2. The competition is not considered gambling as defined in the Gambling Act of 19 November 2009 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 165).

    • 3. The Organiser is not responsible for any disputes arising from the fault of third parties or for the content presented by Participants during exhibitions.

    • 4. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Regulations, the functioning of the Competition and the annulment of the Competition at any time, without giving any reason, which will be announced on the website www.u-jazdowski.pl.

    • 5. In matters not covered by these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law, in particular the Civil Code, shall apply.



  • Annex 1 to the Regulations of the Project Room 2023/2024 Competition

    • I, the undersigned / signed __________  declare that I have read the Regulations of the Project Room 2023/2024 Competition and confirm that I accept the rules contained therein and I agree to participate in Stage 2 of the Competition on the terms set out in the Regulations.

    • At the same time, I declare that I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Organiser in order to organise the Competition and the Exhibition, and I consent to the recording of my image as well as filming and photographing the Exhibition produced for the Competition. The consent covers the use, recording, duplication and dissemination of photos or videos taken via any medium for any purpose consistent with applicable law, including publication on the Internet, newspapers, magazines, folders, electronic publications, websites.


    • _____________________

    • Date and legible signature

Exhibition series is financed by
Media partners
  • Application deadline
    • 01/09/2023
  • Results of an open call
    • 15/09/2023