
Piotr Flądro

Devil's Pudding​

“A fixation based on the desire to own items that have been rejected, mutated, or ended up as manufacturing waste doesn’t allow me to pass without care next to anything that I could redefine. I find places like flea markets to be just as fascinating as shopping malls” – confessed Piotr Flądro in his thesis at the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass at the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts. The installation, which he then presented, will be shown in {Bank Pekao Project Room} along with his other works.

Although the artist studied design, he is characterized by his anthropological and engineering interest in objects, which most people would consider to be waste or trash. With dadaist-punk like enthusiasm, he collects these “coprolites of civilization’s machine,” as he calls them, studying their form and highlighting what caused them to have been thrown out – their randomness. Why? Because it is then that they give off energy like the bacteria from the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl – he says.

Flądro experiments by using liquids, foils, and metals; he documents, calculates the material’s wear, and creates films about a falling bag of cement from a great height. “All this, just to observe the untouched and unusual behavior of matter. Hence the images of huge dark-grey explosions against the blue sky, being the documentation of hay bag tossed from a great height and its slow descent.” Piotr Flądro is looking for the ideal form.

Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art media patrons