
Piotr Skiba

It's our pleasure to serve you

The title of the exhibition is a literal borrowing of one of the slogans used by the company Anthora - producer of popular packaging for takeaway. The flagship product of the brand is found by Piotr Skiba on the street, a paper coffee cup bearing the slogan. Using the slogan in reference to the context of the objects used by Skiba for the implementation in Project Room deems it with a slightly ironic meaning, and at the same time, it is what’s gluing this seemingly random collection together. All his elements are of poor quality - cheap assembly line production - which everyone can afford. These straightforward tools (often clumsy due to their poor quality) are used daily. Skiba uses them as starting products.

The objects in the exhibition are the metal castings of real objects. They were formed using a technique based on placing the prototype in a sealed form, which is then filled with hot metal by a system of injections. Unlike other casting methods, the object-matrix here is irretrievably lost. Skiba consciously decides to leave any imperfections arising from this type of casting method. The result is a set of objects that are rather problematic; they are not perfect copies of the used originals, neither are they a completely new quality – something in the middle. The objects are reminiscent of fossils of the tools and gadgets we use daily today.

Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons