open call for artists
Everyday Forms of Resistance
Artistic residencies in Ramallah, Antwerp, Helsinki and Warsaw in 2019
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The three month-long residency in Ramallah:
- 1 April – 30 June 2019
Submission deadline:
30 October 2018
The results will be announced by:
30 November 2018
Residency benefits include:
- → a monthly per diem of 600 euro;
- → individual living space;
- → production costs;
- → reimbursement of one return ticket to and from the place of residency;
- → the organization of a public event during the residency;
- → organising a customised programme of study visits in and outside Ramallah.
- Please note that visa fees or insurance costs connected to visa applications are not covered.
How to apply
Please send an electronic version of your application in one document to the following e-mail: — preferred format: pdf (in English).
The application document should include:
- 1. professional work experience in form of a portfolio containing descriptions of up to five projects
- 2. a cover letter
- 3. a concept note (250 words max) of the project you would like to develop in relation to the open call’s topic
- 4. your CV.
Please label the portfolio as follows: your surname_your name_application.pdf.
For more info on residency please visit the following website:
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