residency: MarchMay, September 2023

Marta Wódz (Poland)

Marta Wódz

(born 1993) is a visual artist and art historian born in Warsaw, Poland. She uses video and photography as her primary media, often also creating video-installations. Currently based in Brussels, she works as PhD researcher at KU Leuven, where she develops her project "Decamouflaging plant blindness. Use of plants in contemporary art to reclaim histories of the weak." Combining artistic theory and practice, her interests circulate around various socio-political topics. For several years, she has been working as a video-director at the Polish National Opera and Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. She took part in the group exhibitions during the festivals such as: Kraków Photomonth Festival (2018), Fotobookfestival Kassel (2018) or Narrations (Gdańsk, 2019), since 2019 she participated in the project Everyday Forms of Resistance organized by Ujazdowski. The most recent exhibition: Familie Foto’s at La Nombreuse, Brussels 2022. 


  • Kuratorka
    • Ika Sienkiewicz-Nowacka
  • Producentka rezydencji
    • Olga Miękus
Partner of the residency: Flanders State of the Arts and Sakyia