exhibition catalogue

Anna Konik
A Grain of Sand in the Pupil of the Eye. Video Works 20002015

Edited by Ewa Gorządek

At the centre of Konik’s attention is the human being virtually all her works are a process of ‘approaching’ the Other, resulting from encounters with other people and their realities. Taking the perspective of subjective experiences as her point of departure, the artist highlights their social aspect, and the viewer is confronted not only with an individual story but with broader contemporary issues. However, the work of Anna Konik refuses to be easily inscribed in the paradigm of critical art. It offers much more than just a critical description of reality or comments on the contemporary condition. Konik uses the language of video to convey her protagonists' experiences and mental states, seeking formal solutions to translate complex mechanisms of memory work, retrospection, emotions, elusive intuitions or impressions into the syntax of a video installation and the structure of an exhibition space. In her works, form and content always complement each other and are equally important.

45 zł