
The Residents #7

Edited by Marianna Dobkowska and Julia Harasimowicz

The seventh issue of The Residents is dedicated to the Re-Directing: East x Empathic Pedagogies seminar held in October 2020. The subject of this year’s meeting, which we prepared together with Amado Cabrales, María Paola Malavasi, and Aisel Wicab, was Future Intimacies, and it reflected the unusual circumstances we found ourselves in at that time. The very form of the seminar was unusual too. To this year’s residence, we invited educators, artists, and activists based in Poland: Ola Andrzejewska, Ewa Hubar, Kasper Lemiesz and Kathryn Zazenski, as well as Andrzej and Piotr of the Autonomiczna Przestrzeń Edukacyjna collective. All of them spent their residency on-site, at Ujazdowski. Another group of guests were the members of Pedagogías Empáticas from Central America and Hungary: during the seminar, Krisztián Gábor Török, Lia Garcia, Daniel Godinez Nivón, Tonatiuh Lopez, and Daniela Whaley joined us online. Katarzyna Sztarbała supported us with organising the event. In this publication, you will find brief summaries and impressions from all the participants of the seminar. Through them, we hope to share with you the respective methods and approaches of particular residents, and their collective reflection on intimacy in cyberspace. The words and impressions are complemented by Anna Bystrowska’s poetic portraits of the participants. Those images are the fruit of collaboration between the photographer and our guests.

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