
Tripping with Zhirinovsky + The Patriot

  • Tripping with Zhirinovsky
  • directed by Paweł Pawlikowski, United Kingdom 1995, 40' 
    • Two years after Serbian Epics, with Radovan Karadžić as the main character, Paweł Pawlikowski again portrays an extremely controversial politician. This time its the Russian ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Tripping with Zhirinovsky evokes associations with Marek Piwowskis legendary film The Cruise for a reason. We see Zhirinovsky on a cruise ship on the Volga surrounded by some two hundred supporters, and also in New York, where he arouses considerable media interest. At the editing stage, Pawlikowski decided to keep primarily those scenes that make the viewer laugh, thus making it clear that the films atmosphere is that of an absurd comedy. However, this leaves the viewer with a nagging question: To what extent are Zhirinovsky and similar politicians really dangerous? This question sounds even more serious today, nearly a quarter of a century later.
  • The Patriot
  • directed by Katia Fiedułowa, Germany 2018, 35'

    • Vasily Vlasov Vladimir Zhirinovskys personal assistant and protégé has already had a dizzying political career at the age of 21. He is the youngest Duma deputy in history and heads the youth wing of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, which acts as the official opposition in Putins authoritarian state. Confident and outspoken, he can explain away his bosss most embarrassing antics without batting an eye. And yet he allowed himself to be approached by Katya Fedulova, who, using him as an example, exposes the void that fills the corridors of power in todays Russia.


  • Admission free
  • Free tickets available at the box office on the day preceding the screening and on the day of the screening: more information
  • Screenings
    • 06/12/2019, 20:45 (Cinema)
    • 08/12/2019, 15:00 (Cinema)
  • Films in original language versions with subtitles in Polish and English