film screening and discussion

12 Angry Men

Od–jazd Film Club meeting


  • 12 Angry Men, directed by Sidney Lumet, USA 1957, 96’
    • A masterpiece of script and direction, as well as a brilliant psychological game with the viewers. The film was a breakthrough in the history of cinema, as once again – but probably most clearly – it turned out that it is not the scale of the show that determines its success. Twelve guys talking in a room can incite great emotions.
  • Here are twelve jurors faced with the task of determining the guilt or innocence of a young man accused of murdering his father. According to the rules of the American justice system, the verdict of the jurors must be unanimous. In this case, finding the boy guilty would end in the death penalty. Multiple elements of incriminating evidence against him make all the jurors convinced of his guilt… Except one. The dissenting opinion of Juror 8 (Henry Fonda) unleashes a debate full of twists and turns, leading to one of the most surprising and emotional finales in the history of cinema.
    • 12 Angry Men is a must-see for anyone who has ever wondered why Americans love courtroom dramas. The intricacy of the script, a masterful direction by one of the leading directors of the classic cinema era, Sidney Lumet, extraordinary acting by Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb and, finally, superb cinematography by Boris Kaufman make 12 Angry Men a paradox film. What appears to be a group of people talking to each other around a table is in reality a bitter diagnosis of the weaknesses of the American justice system. Or is it, on the contrary, a proof of its strength? A thrilling clash of characters leads to an uneasy confrontation with our own prejudices. A moving story about the search for truth and responsibility for our decisions, and, above all, courage and strength that comes from loyalty. The American myth of ‘one against all’ at its most beautiful. In our conformist times it becomes a great ode to non-conformism.
  • To what extent does Lumet’s film fit into the courtroom drama genre?
    • Can we refer to 12 Angry Men as socially engaged cinema?
  • Where does Juror 8 draw his strength from?
    • We will try to answer these and many other questions together with our club’s expert Katarzyna Czajka-Kominiarczuk. We invite you to the screening and discussion, during which you will be able to ask questions and share your ideas on how to interpret the film. What do you think 12 Angry Men is about? We want to hear your opinion!
  • Katarzyna Czajka-Kominiarczuk
    • Sociologist and historian. Since 2009, she has been running the blog Zwierz Popkulturalny [Pop-cultural animal] about films and TV series. She is the co-host of the podcasts ZVZ, Czytu Czytu and the creator of the podcast Jeszcze słowo [One more word]. She is the author of popular and scientific books on popular culture: Oscary. Sekrety największej nagrody filmowej [Oscars. Secrets of the biggest film award] (W.A.B 2018) and Seriale. Do następnego odcinka [Series. Until the next episode] (W.A.B 2021). Her latest book Mam nadzieję [I hope] (W.A.B 2022) is a specific guide for those lost in life and adulthood.
  • Language
    • Film in English
    • Lecture and debate in Polish
  • Screening as part of Film Club {OD–JAZD}.
  • Tickets 5 zł
12 Angry Men