Programme Council

  • Pursuant to the statute of Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, the Centre’s Programme Council is a review and advisory body to the director responsible for the field of development strategy. Its main tasks include issuing opinions on content-related strategies and general assessment of their implementation as well as consulting the directions for further action. Additionally, members of the Council are ready to support the activities of the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in all areas related to its functioning today and in the future, as well as the broadly understood consulting and cooperation with the Director in order to create the best conditions for the implementation of future tasks and development Centre, in terms of both content and finances.
  • The members of the Council were appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage prof. Piotr Gliński. The Council consists of representatives of the academic and cultural fields, whose knowledge, experience, authority and commitment to the development of Polish art and academia guarantee support for the proper functioning of the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in the field of activities related to its current and future mission.
  • President of Programme Council
    • Jacek Adamas
  • Secretary
    • Joanna Winnicka-Gburek
  • Members
    • Maria Dłużewska
    • Michał Haake
    • Janusz Janowski
    • Jerzy Kalina
    • Agnieszka Kołakowska
    • Teresa Murak
    • Joanna Sosnowska
    • Andrzej Szczerski