meeting at the exhibition

Instituent Communitas

evening meetings at at the space of Gotong Royong. Things We Do Together

Please join us for a two-evening meeting at at the space of Gotong Royong. Things We Do Together exhibition, on the subject of instituent art communities and how they form in cases where artists are facing political risk.


  • 24/01/2018
    • 18:0020:00

      • Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson, Enrico Floriddia and Dorian Batycka

        • The first evening will start with a short performance by Icelandic / Warsaw-based artist Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson, who will present a short preview of his new work "wHAt You Are dOing WIth mY Life? (2017).
          Througout there will be a presentation by Enrico Floriddia, an artist representing the French city of Poitiers, though primarily interested in interdisciplinary concepts of memory, cultural capital, transition of ideas and their storage in the collective memory of social (and national) groups.
          Together with Dorian Batycka the two will present the second iteration of their Mobile Mapsa participatory geopolitical mood board.


  • 25/01/2018
    • 19:00 - 21:00

      • Jan Moszumański, Artists at Risk, Erkanem Özgen and Dorian Batycka

        • The second event of Instituent Communitas will start with a lecture performance of Jan Moszumański /over seeing without watching /. It will be followed by the showcase of the work of Artists at Risk, at the intersection of human rights and arts, founded by Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolosky,  together in conversation with artist and filmmaker Erkan Özgen. The program will follow a screening of Özgen’s work Wonderland (2016), following the narration of a young deaf and mute boy named Muhammed, who found refuge with Özgen’s family outside a in the small Northern Syrian village of Kobani. The film traces Muhammed’s story of escaping the war, presenting his heart wrenching story as one of resistance and rupture. Together, Artists at Risk and Özgen will discuss the importance of art in relation to social and political issues, and what the implications are for artists and curators working in tense political climates.

        • / over seeing without watching / is a performative lecture combined with elements of sound acoustic mimesis. In face of technological augumentation of judicature and proportionally to progressing of the state apparatus automation ‒ the administration gradually takes over the duties of the law enforcement agencies and forces preventing social unrest. Taking as a starting point Jacques Rancière’s observation, that in order to function all administration necessarily needs language (The Ignorant Schoolmaster, 1987) the lecture explores a scenario in which we gradually withdraw to pre-linguistic means of communication, as an emancipatory strategy allowing the possibility of developing a language whose rules would evolve at a pace rendering its use as a basis of repression impossible.
