
Who is Marzanna?

Workshop with the texpol collective

Who are you, Marzanna? Dziewanna, Mrozanno, Marzanioku, Śmiertusko, Śmierciucho? The spirit of winter, a harbinger of rebirth, a folk reminder of the cyclicality of Nature? A Joyful celebration of the intertwining of Death and Birth, a farewell to winter days?


During the workshop, we will jointly look at the tradition of creating Marzanna and consider what it means to us today. How can we transform this custom to be closer to the present? We will create small forms showing different faces of Marzanna both from traditional and recovered materials giving them a personal character and the intention to say goodbye to winter experiences in the name of spring renewal.

Our joint sculpture consisting of many incarnations of Marzanna will take on the role of a folk grove a harbinger of spring. Exposed to the action of time and weather, it will gradually transform and finally bloom.


  • About the texpol collective:

The artists (Julia Bujak, Eliza Chojnacka, Agnieszka Cieszanowska, Julia Ciunowicz, Natalia Gil, Julita Goździk, Sonia Górecka, Maria Pietras) operate at the intersection of design, research and social practices, and art. Each of them works with different textile materials, techniques, and in different aesthetics. For all of them, textiles have become a key tool of expression in recent years; a way of telling stories and examining reality. It is not only about translating one's own anxiety into fabric, but also about caring for oneself, others, and the reality of which textiles are a part. Therefore, in addition to spinning stories, the collective examines the material from which fabrics are made. It analyzes the methods of its production, its history, and its sensual properties. The collective's works thus combine personal, social and ecological dimensions. The exhibition "snucie" focuses on fabric as a medium for socially engaged art. As part of the show, the collective also wants to engage in a discussion on the place and role of textile art at a special moment of intense change for the field of art.

  • Free event.
  • Limited number of places.
  • Please send your registration to the following e-mail address:
  • edukacja@u-jazdowski.pl
  • Workshops for adults
  • Duration 2.5h
  • Led by: texpol collective

