- Nerdka Collective and the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art are pleased to announce Dreaming – a survey of video works, selected in an open call, that explore the eponymous theme.
- Dreaming is a review of video art, animations, and experimental films that address topics such as technological mysticism, post-work, speculative realism, queer ecologies, and the relations between human and non-human entities. The screening will be accompanied by a discussion with the artists.
- The curatorial concept for the screening draws on Stephen Duncombe’s idea of social dreaming, described in the book Dream: Re-imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy. With the argument that “fantasy and spectacle have become the domain of fascism,” the theorist, performer, and activist argues that the left should “build a politic that embraces the dreams of people and fashion spectacles that give those dreams form.” The theory of social dreaming points to the state of collective imagining/dreaming as a catalyst for change. It encourages us to reclaim the potential of radical imagination and use it to transform ossified social, cultural, and political systems, considering imagination itself as a means of creating new, open solutions and social practices, as well as horizontal principles.
- We want to create a casual atmosphere for the event, a situation far removed from the seriousness of video art in a museum or that accompanying an exhibition context. At any point, the audience will be able to ask a question, speak up, or take a break.
Today at U–jazdowski