Opening up!
The autumn-winter programme of events at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art
Kinga Kiełczyńska i Ernst Logar
Everyday Fairy Tale
- workshop and exhibition
31/10/2024, 23:00
Dragana Bar
- séance
07/11/2024, 18:30
Background check. PROLOG
09/11/2024, 18:00
Aleksandra Borys, Andrzej Woźniak
Mobile Texts
- choreographic paper premiere and performance event
14/11/2024, 18:00
Marta Bogdańska
In the eye of the sun
- pokaz filmu Next Sunday i dyskusja panelowa z udziałem Małgorzaty Kuciewicz, Rimy Marrouch, Małgorzaty Szczurek, Ali Qandil
Grzegorz Wełnicki (Instytut Dobrej Śmierci)
Love-Loss-Life- exhibition
15/11/2024, 18:00—21:00
Anja Franczak (Instytut Dobrej Śmierci)
Wrapping Loss with Tenderness
- workshop
16/11/2024, 17:00—20:00
Ewa Pawlik (Instytut Dobrej Śmierci)
Design Your Own Funeral
- workshop
15/11/2024, 19:30
Paweł Pruski
Resonant Affection
- sound installation and concert
16/11/2024, 14:00—17:00
Justyna Stasiowska
Fakescapes for getting lost in museum
- sound event
20/11/2024, 18:00
Jarosław Faliński, Edward Łazikowski
De Rerum Natura
- film screening and discussion
21/11/2024, 18:30
Background check. Studio Widoki
- discussion
22/11/2024 16:00—20:00, 23/11/2024 16:00—20:00, 24/11/2024 12:00—16:00
Artystyczny Związek Sportowy
U–jazdowski Open
- sports competitions
- exhibition
Aleksandra Cieślewicz aka Asa Lee
- video projection
26/11/2024 19:00, 27/11/2024 19:00
Krystyna Jędrzejewska-Szmek & Anaís Córdova-Páez
Cinema of Others. The View of Women Filmmakers from the Southern Territories
- film screening and discussion
28/11/2024, 18:30—20:00
Monika Orpik
Oh, to Be Able to Speak!
- film screening and discussion
28/11/2024, 18:30
Background check. Ambient
- discussion
29/11/2024, 18:00
Ewa Drygalska
Can Afrofuturism Teach Us Something?
- screening of the film Space is the Place (1974) and discussion
30/11/2024, 19:00—0:00
Girls and Queers to the Front
GQTTF × U–jazdowski: Silesian Gothic
- book premiere and performance event
30/11/2024, 12:00—18:30
Ewelina Węgiel, Weronika Zalewska
This Image Wants to Move. Women Artists Ask about the Future of Video Art and Experimental Film
- conference
Today at U–jazdowski