
Tymczasowo Group

mawkish romantic​

  • Przemysław Branas 
    • (born 1987) – a doctoral student of Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies at the University of Arts in Poznań. A graduate from the Faculty of Intermedia Arts in Kraków (Performance Art Studio run by Professor Artur Tajber). The artist’s main focus lays in the broadly understood intermedia arts. A special place in his artistic research projects is occupied by the theme “instal’action,” a combination of action art (performance) with installation. He has participated in, amongst others: The International Performance Art Festival at MOCAK, Kraków; 15th International Art Festival, Interakcje; Polish Performance Night, Le Lieu Gallery, Quebec, Canada; and has received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (MKiDN) 2013.
  • Justyna Górowska 
    • (born 1988) – graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków from the Faculty of Intermedia. She deals with performance, video art, sculpture, as well as photography. Winner of the VII edition of the Samsung Art Master Award (2010). Her work has been presented at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw (2010), as well as at international exhibitions and art festivals, including the Christmas Palm in the Freies Museum Berlin (2009), 700IS 2010 at the International Video Art Festival in Iceland (2010), and the IX International Art Festival Interakcje (2009).
  • Adam Gruba 
    • (born 1988) – deals with the wider art of intermedia by using elements of performance, video, objects, and text in his work. Graduate of Artur Tajber’s Performance Art Studio (Faculty of Intermedia) from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków and Pedagogical Studies at the same university.
  • Artur Malewski 
    • (born 1975) – sculptor; installation, video and performance artist. He is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. The artist has participated in many solo exhibitions, such as: 2013: Anomia, Manhattan Gallery, Łódź; Back to Menu, Terminal08 Gallery, Gorzów Wielkopolski; Homemade.TV (together with Bartek Otockim ), BWA, Gorzów Wielkopolski, 2012: Anomie, ZONA Current Art Gallery, Szczecin; People Get Ready, East Gallery, Łódź, 2011: Complex Funeral Services. Heaven, Hell, Studio Gallery, Warsaw; Ontohigiena, Centre of Polish Sculpture, Orońsko. Artur Malewski also partook in group exhibitions, amongst others: 2013: Wunderkammer, Forum Factory, Berlin; The Discreet Charm of Decadence, National Museum in Szczecin; Midnight Show, BWA Design, Wrocław; 2012: Myth and Melancholy, Contemporary Museum, Wrocław, BWA Bielska Gallery, BWA Jelenia Góra; The Core of Darkness, ZONA Current Art Gallery, Szczecin; Awakening - before the end of the world, Art Centre Gallery EL, Elbląg, 2011: 7.International Festival of Visual Art Inspiracje Paradise, Szczecin; Views 2011, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw; Eyes Looking For a Head to Inhabit, MS2, Łódź.
  • Jolanta Nowaczyk 
    • (born 1992) – a student of the Faculty of Intermedia at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. Her leading areas of interest include video art, performance art, as well as objects. She works together with the Kraków group Opcja. The artist has participated in significant group exhibitions, amongst others: Halny idzie, Intermedia Gallery, Poznań (2013); The Barbarians, MOS, Kraków (2013); a large format projection during the Light Move Festival, Łódź (2012).
  • Małgorzata Orysiak (formerly Butterwick)
    • performance artist, art theoretician, curator, currently a doctoral student at the Intermedia Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. She has implemented over 50 actions within the frames of individual events and international festivals in Poland, Spain, Sweden, Northern Ireland, Serbia, France, Quebec/Canada, Japan, Mexico, Uruguay, and Argentina. They include performances, video-performances, instal’actions and site specific actions, along with an experimental 9-month project 9 & ½ Fridays. Since the end of 2007, she has been developing a processual series of performances entitled SEDU/A/CTION. As a theoretician, she presents lectures and talks, and in addition to, publishes texts on performance and contemporary art in various magazines, books, and catalogues. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland. Subsequently, the artist lived in England and Northern Ireland for over 8 years, where she completed her post graduate studies in Cultural and Arts Management at the Queen´s University of Belfast, and co-founded Bbeyond - an organization devoted to the promotion of live art. The artist has been living in Kraków, Poland since 2003. Together with Angel Pastor, she runs the real/virtual art space Mostowa2. She was a curator of the International Art Festival INTERAKCJE XII / 2010 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. Currently, she is interested primarily in Making Love Not Art, applied Lacanian psychoanalysis and physical culture, especially off-road and stationary cycling in the function of fitness instructor.
  • Piotr Urbaniec 
    • (born 1992) – graduate of the The Antoni Kenar Complex of Art Schools in Zakopane, a student of the Faculty of Intermedia at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. His works have been exhibited at, amongst others: the Manggha Centre of Japanese Art (2012), at the Małopolska Garden of Arts and the Option Gallery (2013).
Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art media patrons