
Krzysztof Franaszek


The objects created by Krzysztof Franaszek, although individual and autonomous, simultaneously create a common, multisectional structure defining every stere of a gallery in all its dimensions, incorporating the spectator moving among them into this relation. The dominance of each direction is questioned – vectors steer both vertically as well as horizontally, the wall becomes an equal base for the objects intruding far and deep into the interior of a space, thus, the reference points as well as perceptions become changeable. Spatial forms coexist with two-dimensional spaces, and their organic connection is light, educing the structures, contrasts, shapes, and the depicted depths and realistic intimacy. Activation and use of all available space causes it to gain a sculptural character; based on – depending on the adopted perspective – the permeation and variable domination of negatives and positives, construction and also anit-construction. Abstract forms directly refer to recognizable prototypes drawn from the iconography, architecture as well as intricate structure of a city’s fabric, analyzed and experienced in the macro-and microstructures. As the artist himself specifies, emerging is “a place, which can be compared to the energy field produced by the contrast of forms, composition of light, matter, mutual exclusion of positive and negative by allocating man in the centre”. The space grows through culminating tension; expanded by the perspective of the wall’s depth and radical slashing of empty space – multiplies the imagined, presented and felt dimensions.


Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art media patrons
Tuesday 11:00—19:00
Wednesday 11:00—19:00
Thursday 11:00—20:00
Friday 11:00—19:00
Saturday 11:00—19:00
Sunday 11:00—19:00