
Michał Frydrych

I’ll Swap the Image for a Thousand Words​

Michał Frydrych 

(born in 1980) studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He also studied philosophy at the University of Warsaw and at the Berlin University of the Arts.He works with painting and creation of narrative spaces on the basis of it and sometimes he engages in art in public spaces. He uses language in a material form, enabling the appearance and disappearance of things, relations as well as history. He refers to painting as a phenomenon that creates visual entities, generating sequences of meaning in speech. He is interested in reality as a language, the beauty that is in the eye of the beholder, excellence in prose, casting shadows, psychedelia, syntax. Follow his blog at michalfrydrych.com. He lives and works in Warsaw.

Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art media patrons
Tuesday 11:00—19:00
Wednesday 11:00—19:00
Thursday 11:00—20:00
Friday 11:00—19:00
Saturday 11:00—19:00
Sunday 11:00—19:00