
Tycjan Knut

Old School​

Tycjan Knut 

(b. 1985 in Warsaw). He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and was awarded a diploma in Painting under the tutelage of Professor Jarosław Modzelewski. Currently, he is a candidate for a doctoral degree in Fine Arts at the Institute of Fine Art, the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce. His artistic creations include painting, drawing, photography, and new media art. The artist has presented his works at, amongst others, Bunkier Sztuki in Kraków and the Kordegarda Gallery in Warsaw.

Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art media patrons
Tuesday 11:00—19:00
Wednesday 11:00—19:00
Thursday 11:00—20:00
Friday 11:00—19:00
Saturday 11:00—19:00
Sunday 11:00—19:00