residency: JuneNovember 2015

Anja Rueegsegger (Switzerland)

Anja Rueegsegger

Since 2010, Anja Rueegsegger has been involved in Bblackboxx, a non-hierarchic art space as an ongoing counter performance against the current border policy. She co-founded the anti-capitalist corporation PRE-SERVERS. After finishing her art studies in Basel, she focused on survival training living in the woods and produced herbal medicine and tinctures. Most recently, she has been working for ATOPIE. This project is a collaboration of artists, anarchist, programmers and many others. They explore the freedom of art as a strategy for political actions, public interventions and subversive appropriations. The loose group of people operates anonymously and reaches out over an open blog system that allows collective and anonymous participation to everyone.

This residency has been possible thanks to the financial support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.