residency: OctoberDecember 2007, JulyAugust 2008, project presentation: October 2008

Yvette Mattern (USA/Germany)

Yvette Mattern 

(born San Juan, Puerto Rico) is a New York and Berlin based visual artist whose work has an emphasis on video and film, which frequently intersects performance, public art and sculpture. Her work has been exhibited internationally.

Yvette Mattern received her MFA in New York City from Columbia University's Film Division in 1987. She has worked on and collaborated with many artists on film and theater projects including Cindy Sherman's theatrical feature 'Office Killer', Al Pacino, Nicolas Cage, Diller+Scofidio and The Builder's Association among many others.  

Video and light sculptures have been exhibited internationally including Baltic Center for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, UK, Cinema Remixed and Reloaded: Black Women Artists and the Moving Image since 1970,  Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Atlanta, G, Black Light/White Noise, Houston Contemporary Museum of Art, Curator Valerie Cassel Oliver, Equatorial Rhythms, Sternersen Museum, Oslo, Norway, You wont feel a thing, WYSPA Institute of Art, Poland and more.

Her ongoing monumental laser light installation Global Rainbow has been presented over fifteen times since 2009 including: launching the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad in the Northeast, Northwest England and Northern Ireland.

Additional Global Rainbow presentations include:  Transmediale 2010 in Berlin,  Nantes, France,  Nuit Blanche Metz, Toulouse, France, New York City with Art Production Fund, New Haven, CT with Site Projects, Nuit Blanche Toronto, Londonderry, Northern Ireland and a special presentation in Pittsburgh with Lightwave International.


  • Curator
    • Ika Sienkiewicz-Nowacka
Project organised in cooperation with AMS, Location One, Trust for Mutual Understanding, Embassy of USA in Warsaw, HATOR media, Platige Image, University in Albany.