film screening and discussion
Od–jazd Film Club meeting
The Salesman
directed by Asghar Farhadi, France / Iran 2016, 125’
- A young married couple moves into a flat in the centre of Tehran rented by a friend, unaware of who the previous tenant was. When the woman is attacked by a stranger, her husband starts a private investigation, trying at all costs to find the aggressor and learn his motives. A series of unexpected events will dramatically change the couple’s peaceful life and affect their relationship.
- Awarded with Best Screenplay and Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival and the second Oscar in Asghar Farhadi’s career, The Salesman is a pungent and gripping psychological thriller about the price of fighting for the truth in a repressive society. The multi-layered and accurate psychological observations of the director and his deep sensitivity to all aspects of human existence turn this story rooted in the Iranian reality into a universal tale of humiliation, lost trust and the desire for revenge.
- Is Asghar Farhadi’s work national or transnational?
- What was the director’s creative path that made him one of the most prominent filmmakers in contemporary Iranian cinema?
- How does the universal humanism of his films resonate in the country of strict censorship?
- We will try to answer these and many other questions together with our club’s expert Dr Elżbieta Wiącek (PhD). We invite you to the screening and discussion, during which you will be able to ask questions and share your ideas on how to interpret the film. What do you think The Salesman is about? We want to hear your opinion!
- Elżbieta Wiącek
- Doctor of Humanities in the field of arts studies, currently working as an assistant professor at the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Jagiellonian University. Author of books: Mniej uczęszczane ścieżki do raju. O filmach Jima Jarmuscha [Less travelled paths to paradise. On films by Jim Jarmusch] (2001), Filmowe podróże Abbasa Kiarostamiego [Film travels of Abbas Kiarostami] (2004), Semiotyczna mapa Małopolski [Semiotic map of Małopolska] (ed., 2015) and other publications, including Tajemnice, rozstania, powroty – emocjonalne thrillery Farhadiego na nowej mapie kina światowego [Secrets, partings, returns – Farhadi’s emotional thrillers on the new map of world cinema] (“FRAGILE. Pismo kulturalne” cultural magazine, 2020). Winner of the fourth edition (2011) of the Ars Quarendi Award of the Małopolska Voivodeship for outstanding activities for the development and promotion of culture (award granted by the Marshal Office of the Małopolska Voivodeship, Department of Culture and National Heritage). Fellow of the Skalny Center Foundation scholarship, University of Rochester USA (2014). Her research interests focus on the history and anthropology of film, Iranian cinematography, cultural semiotics, modern mythologies, issues concerning postmodernism and the phenomenon of transculturalism.