Wilhelm Bras
Czarny Latawiec
- {Record Labels}
- The independent music scene is one of the most fascinating artistic, economic, and cultural phenomena in Polish contemporary art. Independent record labels and the artists associated with them form distinct visions of musical experiments from the bottom—up, and for the most part, without institutional support. This dynamically developing marvel is a counter—proposal to institutionalized culture and the commercial music market. The {Record Labels} project means to show and spread the creative phenomena and attitudes reflecting the evolution and the state of Poland's independent scene. It is a kind of confrontation between tradition and modernity, presenting a broad spectrum of musical genres, as well as practices and performance techniques.
- BDTA (Oficyna Biedota)
- The record label Oficyna Biedota was founded in 2010 to concentrate primarily on the current independent music scene in Poland. In just three years the label’s catalog, built primarily around low-volume CD releases and cassette tapes, consisted of such artists as 19 Wiosen, The Kurws, Super Girl Romantic Boys, Krojc, LXMP and Brzóska de Paulus. In September of 2013, after a two-month suspension, the label returned under a slightly modified name – BDTA – and a modified filed of curatorial interests. Now the label is focused primarily on experimental music, from electronic to acoustic improvisation. With the main aim of archiving and preserving the current phenomena in the Polish music scene, the BDTA catalog has been joined by well-established experimenters such as Gerard Lebik, Bartosz Zaskórski, Wojciech Kucharczyk, Piotr Kurek, Paweł Kulczyński and Krzysztof Topolski. BDTA has published the first albums of artists such as Nagrobki, Souvenir de Tanger, John Lake and kakofoNIKT. Artists associated with the label have their concerts both in Poland and abroad, at major festivals such as Tauron Nowa Muzyka (PL), Off Festival (PL), Unsound (PL/USA/CA), Primavera (IT), CTM (DE), PHONO (DK), Art Meetings (LT).
- Artists
- Wilhelm Bras
- Under this pseudonym lies Silesian experimenter Paweł Kulczyński, a figure widely known in the circles of extreme sound lovers, author of original outdoor concerts and sound installations, performative and designer activities, and also an avid builder of unusual analog instruments. Acting as Wilhelm Bras, he renders his various experiences in an accessible and rhythmic form, preserving his sharp and exuberant, though harsh, sound. The emergence of repetitive sequences opens a gate into the organic world of pliable noises, backbreaking voltages and jerks, harnessed to an acute, often dancefloor trip. Glitch collides with noise, techno with funk, and everything is glued by the unique sound of a homemade red-hot analog synthesizer. Kulczyński released two albums with the help of Mik.Musik! BDTA helped publish two of his materials – released a CD of the project "Lautbild” as well as a split under his last name with Czarny Latawiec.
- Urok
- The music of the duo consists of spells weaved with stains, tar, samples and fragments of parapsychological radio dramas. Each track is a kind of spell that helps to deal with the curse cast by a Likhoradka. Urok (Polish for "enchantment” or "charm”), by using vocal samples, elements of ambient music, vaporwave or new age in the form of rituals, shifts boundaries and redefines occult music in the post-web era anew. Their debut material, entitled "Nagawor," was released via BDTA / Mozdok in the summer of 2016. They perform live very sporadically; the performance at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art will be their second concert.
- Czarny Latawiec
- Active in the field of sound art and music criticism as well as curator of the Canti Illuminati Festival and the Survival Art Review. As DJ Czarny Latawiec and sound producer, he reflects on the timelessness of the rhythms of the Dark Continent and the power of dissonant tuning. He performed live at such festivals as Unsound, Tauron Nowa Muzyka, Biedopad or Energia Dźwięku. His recordings have been released by Mik Musik! and BDTA.
- Centralia
- The solo project of Paweł Starzec – photographer and author cooperating with BDTA, practically since the beginning of its existence, co-creating the duo MAZUT with Michał Turowski. Centralia experiments with ambient, techno, noise sounds as well as analog and lo-fi sound recordings and voice samples. He focuses on audiovisual recordings and interpretations of violence, in its broad sense. Thus far, three of his full-fledged materials have been released – Discipline (2015), Prijedor and Schwarze Kanal (2016) as well as several split albums and other releases.
- Wilhelm Bras
- Tickets
- 20 zł
- may be purchased in the main hall of the Ujazdowski Castle
Today at U–jazdowski