
Jakub Woynarowski

Corpus Delicti

The exhibition Corpus Delicti is an addendum to the book devoted to the artistic work of Walerian Borowczyk, which premiered during the thirteenth edition of the T-Mobile New Horizona festival in Wrocław.

The artist, visual creator of the publication, is building an exhibition wherein this small publication takes on the character of an almost sacred artifact. Motives and objects taken from the language of Borowczyk’s film gain new meanings by opening areas to interpretation that go beyond the language of film. The austere graphics, subtle interventions in the gallery’s space, and the dominating color order all create a space resembling an exotic, occult temple.

Be that as it may, disappointment lies behind Woynarowski’s minimalist stylistic language. However, this turning of one’s nose up in regards to contemporary aesthetics and visual culture isn’t unproductive, but rather a proposal constituting a sublimated alternative. It’s based on obstinate research, out of which the author analyzes Borowczyk’s film forms, employing them to build a refined story in the microcosm of colors and objects.


Bank Pekao Project Room media patrons