
Jarema Drogowski

Open space – Closed space

Bodybuilder – the most renowned work from Jarema Drogowski – rendered him to be perceived as a street artist. A photography of a headless strongman, placed on walls and brickworks from Warsaw to the West Bank, was in its simplicity so eloquent, that its interpretation depended solely on the context in which it was found. This time, at the exhibition in {Bank Pekao Project Room}, Drogowski himself gives the works their context, dodging the label "street artist". His graphics, instead of posting them on walls, he places them in display cases, and provides extensive comments. 

His project is an attempt to organize these elements in a very coherent, and sometimes quite controversial, worldview: this is the source of many physiological phenomena related to man, he discerns in a spiritual processes resulting from reincarnation. Mutations, cancer, and even incomplete separations of twins – all this in his opinion, locates itself in the evolution of the spirit, leading to a fuller perfection. 

In addition to graphics, Jarema will be presenting a video installation, whose title became the name of the entire project. Open space – Closed space is about a symbolic situation for the work of this artist. "With an open mind, we can exceed our abilities despite our limitations. It's like making a hole in a hole" – he explains.


  • Text
    • Marcin Krasny
{Bank Pekao Project Room} media partners
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art media partners