Courage Comes With Practice
Christopher Füllemann and Romain Hamard at Dragana Bar
- This time Dragana invites everyone over on a Friday. Dragana Bar – a summer queer bar – was created by Kem as part of their residency at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art.
- Christopher Füllemann, U–jazdowski resident, prepared a piece Emotional Landscape. This evening will also feature Romain Hamard.
- DJs:
- dogheadsurigeri (MESTIÇO/Oramics)
- Pupper dj (Muzyka Nieheteronormatywna/Ciężki Brokat)
- HOLIDAY INN (Muzyka Nieheteronormatywna)
- Dress to impress: fake leather and latex.
Today at U–jazdowski