performative exhibition

Bik Van der Pol

Far Too Many Stories to Fit into so Small a Box

A program of learning and sharing knowledge that corresponds to the artists’ creative modus operandi which relies on devising encounter-conducive situations.

{Performative Practice}
  • Artist-led workshops by Alex Baczyński-Jenkins, Janusz Bałdyga, Jolanta Krukowska, Ania Nowak, Ramona Nagabczyńska (in Polish)
  • Workshop with Jolanta Krukowska
    • 19/11/2019 18:0020:00
    • 26/11/2019 18:0020:00
    • 03/12/2019 18:0020:00
    • 17/12/2019 18:0020:00
  • Workshop with Janusz Bałdyga
    • 28/01/2020 18:0021:00
    • 14/01/2020 18:0021:00
    • 21/01/2020 18:0021:00
  • Workshop with Alex Baczyński-Jenkins

    • 18/02/2020 18:0022:00

    • 19/02/2020 18:0022:00

    • 20/02/2020 18:0022:00

    • 21/02/2020 18:0022:00

    • → more


  • Workshop with Ania Nowak

    • 21/04/2020 18:00—20:00

    • 22/04/2020 18:00—20:00

    • 23/04/2020 18:00—20:00

    • → more


  • Workshop with Ramona Nagabczyńska

    • 28/04/2020 18:00—20:00

    • 29/04/2020 18:00—20:00

    • 30/04/2020 18:00—20:00

    • → more

{Art Viewpoints}
  • Guided tours in Polish

  • Thursdays, 6 p.m.

  • Admission free

  • Participants meet in the foyer

    • 31/10/2019
    • 07/11/2019
    • 14/11/2019
    • 09/01/2020
    • 06/02/2020
    • 19/03/2020
    • 09/04/2020
    • 16/04/2020
    • 30/04/2020 
{Art Knows No Age}
  • A series of get-togethers for adults
    (in Polish)

  • Wednesdays, 12:00 noon

  • Admission free

  • Participants meet in the foyer

    • 13/11/2019
    • 08/01/2020
    • 12/02/2020
{Let’s Talk About Art}
  • Series of guided tours in English
  • Saturdays, 3 p.m.
  • Admission included in the price of the exhibition ticket 
  • Participants meet in the foyer
    • 09/11/2019 
    • 07/12/2019 
    • 08/02/2020 
    • 07/03/2020 
    • 11/01/2020 
    • 11/04/2020
{Teacher in the Centre}
  • Guided tours with teachers (in Polish)
  • Admission free
  • Information at a.rajska@u-jazdowski.pl
{Pass it On}
  • Series of three sessions for young people, based on the format of the work method of the artistic duo Bik Van der Pol
  • Admission by ticket only
  • Information and pre-booking at a.rajska@u-jazdowski.pl
{How does Memory Work? Story-teller workshop}
  • Series of three sessions for young people, based on the format of the work method of the artistic duo Bik Van der Pol
  • Admission by ticket only
  • Information and pre-booking at a.rajska@u-jazdowski.pl
  • A workshop for families with children aged 0–5 (in Polish)
  • Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
  • Admission by ticket only
{Smykowizje – Guided Tours in Baby Carriers}
  • Guided tours for families with children aged 0–5 (in Polish)
  • Wednesdays, 1 p.m.
  • Admission fee included in the price of a ticket to the exhibition
  • Participants meet in the foyer
{How Does Art Taste?}
  • A workshop for families with children aged 5–10 (in Polish)
  • Saturdays 12:00 noon
  • Admission by ticket only
  • Participants meet in the foyer
{Creative School}
  • Workshops for organised groups
  • Admission by ticket only
  • Information and pre-booking at edukacja@u-jazdowski.pl
  • Open storytelling sessions for young people aged 15-19 and group work on the content of the audioguide to the exhibition, based on the Explainit app
  • Thursdays, 12 noon
  • Admission free
  • Enrollment before 31 October 2019 at: a.kierkosz@u-jazdowski.pl
Instituton financed by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Honorary Patronage
Additional funding
Media partners
  • Exhibition opening and performance
    • 25/10/2019, 07:00 p.m.
Tuesday 11:00—19:00
Wednesday 11:00—19:00
Thursday 11:00—20:00
Friday 11:00—19:00
Saturday 11:00—19:00
Sunday 11:00—19:00
Bik Van der Pol