
Alex Cecchetti
Tamam Shud,
episode 1

When Everything Is so Clean it Is Difficult to Remember Something

I am dead. My body has been found somewhere between Los Angeles and Warsaw, dismembered. Murder, accident, suicide, detectives havent found anything relevant, my identity is still unknown and me also, I dont remember much. This is why I have decided to investigate over my own death myself. Only clue, in a secret pocket sewn inside my trousers, I have recovered a fragile piece of paper torn from the pages of a book, written there, the words "Tamam Shud, this is the end".

Please join us for the public launch of Alex Cecchettis art project Tamam Shud. Until December 2017, the artist will be developing a new artists novel by means of tools such as performances, exhibitions and public editorial readings. Lost memories, recovered traces, and the first investigations to solve the mystery are some of the elements that will signal the beginning of the creative process. Tamam Shud: When Everything Is so Clean it Is Difficult to Remember Something is the first episode in which a contralto (Wanda Franek), a countertenor (Michał Sławecki) and a glass harp music players (GlassDuo) will join Alex Cecchetti in the investigations. Follow us in this series of events, and note down that the next episode is coming in the Fall.


  • Drawing in the header
    • Alex Cecchetti
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First episode of an artists novel by Alex Cecchetti
