residency: JuneJuly 2015

Caroline Claus (Belgium)

Caroline Claus

holds a master's degree in sociology at the University of Ghent, and urban development and spatial planning at Erasmus University and VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). Her work concentrates on issues of space, place and culture, the geography of lifeworlds, sonic experience and the design of urban acoustic environments. In particular, during the 2015 summer residency programme at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, she questions the urban-acoustical aspects in urban development processes in the context of local community of Jazdów district. Acoustic ecology theory and the avant-garde output of independent electronic record labels provide the conceptual and methodological basis for a trans-disciplinary research on sound and soundscapes. Trough participatory soundwalks and geo-acoustic mapping, she investigates sounds potential and of all practices sound related, for urban development processes in the area.

The residency has been organized in the framework of the Sound of CultureCulture of Sound and the project has been co-funded within the program Creative Europe and has been possible thanks to the financial support of the City of Warsaw.