
Anna Orlikowska

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Anna Orlikowska 

(ur. 1981 w Warszawie) mieszka i pracuje w Amsterdamie i Chicago. Absolwentka Gerrit Rietveld Academie w Amsterdamie (2013), aktualnie studiuje w The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2014–2016). Laureatka nagród i stypendiów: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – Van Eck-Vollgraff Fonds (2014) oraz New Artist Society Scholarship Award, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2014). Brała udział (m.in.) w wystawach Material Immaterialities, Gallery Sector 2337, Chicago (2015); Generation 2015, Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam (2015); Open studios, SAIC Chicago (2014), The Eyes of the Skin, New Shelter Plan, Kopenhaga (2014); What is not yet, Galeria TAC Rio de Janeiro (2014); Graduation Show, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam (2013); Oasis, Casa do Povo, São Paulo (2013).
